irma company profile

Irma Company

Contact: email: / tel: +41 79 692 77 61
Address : via alle Fontane 4 6937 Breno
Municipality : Breno


Our business was born in 2015 when we both decided to change professions and get closer to nature.
With very little help, we created a field of 500 untreated American blueberry plants in Mugena-Fescoggia in the Piano di Caroggio.

We wanted to take up the tradition. As a child, Tiziano spent a lot of time with his grandmother Irma Tami in the vegetable garden, who passed on to him her passion for plants and vegetables as well as some secrets for preparing local recipes such as hypericum oil, nocino, etc..

Tiziano has worked as a chef for years, so he is also good at transforming products into jams, compotes, etc.

In cooperation with Alessandro Bassi we produce honey .
We are members of the Alto Malcantone Producers' Society


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